Alchemy Fusion – combinations list in English: Update

76 new elements
76 new elements

Alchemy Fusion – combinations list in English: Update

Christmas is coming, Santa Clause is working overtime. Also thanks to game creators we can expect some nice gifts, even those small ones like updates for Android apps.
Alchemy Fusion has been also updated lately with 76 new elements, the list of which you can find here. The updated list of all available at the moment elements can be found here.

A Atlas    
#   Element   Result of
1   Alien   Stars + Life
2   Amber   Resin + Time
3   Ash   Cigarette + Fire
4   Ashtray   Ash + Glass
5   Atlas   Book + Road
B Bacon    
#   Element   Result of
6   Bacon   Pig + Fire
7   Beer   Alcohol + Can
8   Beet   Sugar + Seeds
9   Blueberries   Fruit + Grass
C Cigar    
#   Element   Result of
10   Caoutchouc   Tree + Juice
11   Cape   Hero + Clothes
12   Carbon dioxide   Man + Air
13   Caveman   Man + Cave
14   Champagne   Wine + Sparkling water
15   Cigar   2x Tobacco
16   Cigarette   Tobacco + Paper
17   Creeper   Jungle + Rope
18   Crop circles   UFO + Grain
19   Crown   Hat + Gold
20   Crumbs   Bird + Bread
D Doctor    
#   Element   Result of
21   Demon   Lava + Life
22   Diet   Man + Yogurt
23   DNA   Life + Brick
24   Doctor   Hospital + Scientist
25   Dream   Man + Sand
E E-mail    
#   Element   Result of
26   Eagle   Bird + Mountains
27   Eclipse   Earth + Moon
28   Eel   Snake + Electricity
29   E-mail   Computer + Letter
F French fries    
#   Element   Result of
30   Fashion   Time + Clothes
31   Flamethrower   Firearm + Fire
32   French fries   Potato + Oil
33   Furniture   Screw + Wood
G Generator    
#   Element   Result of
34   Generator   Electricity + Combustion engine
35   Granary   Grain + Ceramics
36   Grape   Creeper + Fruit
37   Greenhouse   House + Seeds
H Hail    
#   Element   Result of
38   Hail   Ice + Rain
K Kimono    
#   Element   Result of
39   Kimono   Clothes + Asia
L Lasso    
#   Element   Result of
40   Laboratory   House + Scientist
41   Lasso   Cowboy + Rope
42   Leech   Vampire + Bug
43   Lightning   Sky + Energy
M Moat    
#   Element   Result of
44   Manhole   Sidewalk + Steam
45   Moat   Castle + River
O Oxygen    
#   Element   Result of
46   Oxygen   Tree + Carbon dioxide
P Port    
#   Element   Result of
47   Pipe   Tobacco + Wood
48   Port   Ship + Beach
49   Pot   Ceramics + Flower
50   Pressure   Earth + Steam
R Ruby    
#   Element   Result of
51   Resin   Spruce + Juice
52   Rubber   Sulfur + Caoutchouc
53   Ruby   Diamond + Fire
54   Rum   Alcohol + Pirates
S Sauna    
#   Element   Result of
55   Sauna   House + Steam
56   Sheep   Animal + Wool
57   Slingshot   Rubber + Bow
58   Smoke   Air + Fire
59   Sparkling water   Water + Carbon dioxide
60   Stable   House + Horse
61   Stars   Sun + Galaxy
62   Sticks   Asia + Cutlery
63   Sweater   Wool + Clothes
T Tractor    
#   Element   Result of
64   Terrarium   Aquarium + Lizard
65   The green lantern   Hero + Lamp
66   Thief   Man + Gold
67   Thor   Hero + Tools
68   Tire   Rubber + Wheel
69   Tobacco   Alcohol + Leaf
70   Tractor   Farm + Trolley
71   Tsunami   Water + Wall
U UFO    
#   Element   Result of
72   UFO   Alien + Airplane
V Vanilla    
#   Element   Result of
73   Vanilla   Flower + Sugar
74   Vinegar   Alcohol + Oxygen
W Wine    
#   Element   Result of
75   Wine   Grape + Alcohol
76   Wool   Cotton + Animal


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