Alchemy Fusion – lista kombinacji po angielsku


Aktualizacja sierpień 2015

Alchemy Fusion – combinations list in English (626 elements)

On we have already published the guides to „alchemic” games for Android. After Alchemy, Alchemy Classic and Alchemy Genetics, now it is time for Alchemy Fusion (review of the game: here).
Thanks to the hints which we can use during the gameplay, completion of the game is a little easier, which doesn’t mean, however, that we would not encounter any problems to find some of the combinations. And here our list of all 626 elements and ways of creating them may prove useful.
The elements are arranged in alphabetical order. Terminal elements (i.e. those that cannot be combined into new combinations) haven’t been marked this time (unlike with the Alchemy game) – it would be pointless, because, as we advance in the game, each element is finally locked (its label becomes red-coloured).

Alchemy Fusion

[box_light]For those who play in Polish – here is the list in this language.[/box_light]

As usual, when the game is updated, our list will be expanded with the new elements. The first update can be found here. In the list below the added items are coloured.

#   Element   Result of
1 Air
2 Earth
3 Fire
4 Water


A Aquarium   
#   Element   Result of
5 Acid Sulfur + Water
6 Aircraft Carrier Fighter + Ship
7 Airplane Car + Steam
8 Airship Hydrogen + Balloon
9 Alcohol Sugar + Fruit
10 Algae Ocean + Life
11 Alien Stars + Life
12 Aluminum Air + Metal
13 Amber Resin + Time
14 Ambulance Car + Hospital
15 Anchor Chain + Ship
16 Angel Light + Life
17 Animal Earth + Lizard
18 Anvil Hammer + Metal
19 Apple Fruit + Tree
20 Apple Pie Apple + Dough
21 Aquarium Glass + Fish
22 Arable Earth + Tools
23 Archipelago 2x Island
24 Armchair Chair + Pillow
25 Army 2x Soldier
26 Arrow Bow + Feather
27 Ash Cigarette + Fire
28 Ashtray Ash + Glass
29 Asia Porcelain + Continent
30 Astronaut Man + Moon
31 Atlas Book + Road
32 Atom Bomb Uranium + Weapon
33 Australia Continent + Country
34 Avalanche Mountains + Snow
B Batman
# Element Result of
35 Bacon Pig + Fire
36 Bacteria Swamp + Life
37 Ball Wheel + Canvas
38 Balloon Canvas + Fire
39 Ballpen Ink + Feather
40 Bamboo Asia + Tree
41 Banana Monkey + Fruit
42 Bandage Blood + Canvas
43 Bank House + Money
44 Bar Alcohol + House
45 Bat Animal + Vampire
46 Batman Bat + Hero
47 Batmobile Batman + Car
48 Beach Sand + Sea
49 Bear Animal + Forest
50 Beaver Animal + Dam
51 Bed Pillow + Wood
52 Bee Beetle + Flower
53 Beehive Bee + Wood
54 Beer Alcohol + Can
55 Beet Sugar + Seeds
56 Beetle Bug + Earth
57 Bench Park + Wood
58 Bicycle 2x Wheel
59 Bills Money + Paper
60 Bird Egg + Steam
61 Black Hole Sun + Time
62 Blanket Carpet + Fur
63 Blizzard Snow + Wind
64 Blood Needle + Man
65 Blueberries Fruit + Grass
66 Board Saw + Wood
67 Boat Trolley + Sea
68 Bone Dog + Meat
69 Book Paper + Man
70 Boots Sidewalk + Skin
71 Bouquet 2x Flower
72 Bow Hunter + Wood
73 Bread Furnace + Dough
74 Brick Clay + Fire
75 Bridge Road + River
76 Bug Earth + Plankton
77 Bulb Glass + Electricity
78 Bunker House + Earth
79 Butterfly Air + Bug
C Cd
# Element Result of
80 Cable Rope + Electricity
81 Cactus Desert + Tree
82 Cage Aquarium + Metal
83 Camel Animal + Desert
84 Camera Drawing + Microprocessor
85 Camera Lens Camera + Lens
86 Campfire Grill + Wood
87 Can Aluminum + Glassful
88 Canal Road + Ship
89 Candle Wax + Fire
90 Candlestick Candle + Silver
91 Candy Caramel + Stone
92 Candy-Floss Sugar + Cotton
93 Canned 2x Metal
94 Canvas Cotton + Tools
95 Caoutchouc Tree + Juice
96 Cape Hero + Clothes
97 Car Combustion engine + Wheel
98 Caramel Sugar + Fire
99 Carbon dioxide Man + Air
100 Cards Gambling + Paper
101 Carousel Toys + Wheel
102 Carpet Canvas + Drawing
103 Carriage Horse + Trolley
104 Case Skin + Clothes
105 Castaway Island + Man
106 Castle Stone + Knight
107 Cat Animal + Milk
108 Cave Dragon + Mountains
109 Caveman Man + Cave
110 Caviar Fish + Egg
111 Cd Book + Laser
112 Cement Dust + Fire
113 Cemetery 2x Grave
114 Centaur Man + Animal
115 Ceramics Clay + Man
116 Chain Rope + Metal
117 Chair Bench + House
118 Champagne Wine + Sparkling water
119 Cheese Milk + Fire
120 Chisel Tools + Statue
121 Chocolate Cocoa + Sugar
122 Cigar Tobacco
123 Cigarette Tobacco + Paper
124 Cinema House + Film
125 Circus Elephant + Tent
126 Claws Animal + Weapon
127 Clay Swamp + Sand
128 Cliff Mountains + Sea
129 Clip Laundry + Wood
130 Clothes Canvas + Man
131 Clouds Air + Steam
132 Clown Circus + Man
133 Coal Wood + Fire
134 Cocoa The Caribbean + Seeds
135 Coconut Palm + Seeds
136 Coffee Seeds + Tea
137 Coffin Man + Death
138 Combustion engine Steam engine + Petroleum
139 Comet Meteorite + Ice
140 Comics Book + Hero
141 Compost Hay + Time
142 Computer Microprocessor + Tools
143 Concrete Cement + Sand
144 Conflagration Matches + House
145 Continent Earth + Mountains
146 Cookies Chocolate + Dough
147 Cornflakes Grain + Milk
148 Cotton Feather + Farm
149 Country 2x Town
150 Court Ball + Grass
151 Cow Animal + Farm
152 Cowboy Man + Horse
153 Crayons Pencil + Rainbow
154 Creeper Jungle + Rope
155 Crocodile Lizard + River
156 Crop circles UFO + Grain
157 Crown Hat + Gold
158 Crumbs Bird + Bread
159 Crystals Quartz + Mountains
160 Cup Glassful + Porcelain
161 Cutlery Silver + Tools
D Dinosaur
# Element Result of
162 Dactyl Palm + Fruit
163 Dam Concrete + River
164 Death Time + Man
165 Demon Lava + Life
166 Desert 2x Sand
167 Diamond Coal + Time
168 Diet Man + Yogurt
169 Dinosaur Animal + Fossil
170 Diver Man + Ocean
171 DNA Life + Brick
172 Doctor Hospital + Scientist
173 Dog Wolf + Man
174 Dolphin Animal + Fish
175 Door Padlock + House
176 Dough Flour + Water
177 Dragon Fire + Lizard
178 Dragonfly Fly + Lake
179 Drawing Crayons + Paper
180 Dream Man + Sand
181 Drum Canvas + Ceramics
182 Dry Ice Carbon dioxide + Ice
183 Duck Bird + Water
184 Dunes Sand + Mountains
185 Dust Earth + Wind
E Ebook
# Element Result of
186 Eagle Bird + Mountains
187 Earthworm Bug + Rope
188 Ebook Book + Computer
189 Eclipse Earth + Moon
190 Eel Snake + Electricity
191 Egg Stone + Life
192 Eiffel tower Metal + Skyscraper
193 Electricity Metal + Energy
194 Elephant Animal + Fang
195 E-mail Computer + Letter
196 Energy 2x Fire
197 Envelope Letter + Paper
F Fireworks
# Element Result of
198 Factory House + Tools
199 Fan Wind + Paper
200 Fang Animal + Bone
201 Farm Arable + Man
202 Fasion Time + Clothes
203 Fat Oil + Meat
204 Feather Bird + Hunter
205 Fence Wood + Hedge
206 Fern Moss + Swamp
207 Fiber Rope + Glass
208 Fighter Airplane + Firearm
209 Film Television + Spiderman
210 Fins Man + Fish
211 Firearm Gunpowder + Weapon
212 Firefighter Man + Fire
213 Firefly Fly + Light
214 Fireworks Asia + Gunpowder
215 Fish Animal + Sea
216 Fisherman Fish + Hunter
217 Fishing Rod Bamboo + Tools
218 Flag Canvas + Country
219 Flamethrower Firearm + Fire
220 Fleet 2x Ship
221 Flood 2x Rain
222 Floor Board + House
223 Flour Quern + Grain
224 Flower Water + Seeds
225 Fly Bug + Compost
226 Foam Soap + Water
227 Fog Clouds + Swamp
228 Forest 2x Tree
229 Forge Anvil + House
230 Fossil Animal + Time
231 French fries Potato + Oil
232 Frog Swamp + Lizard
233 Fruit Farm + Tree
234 Fur Animal + Hunter
235 Furnace Brick + Wood
236 Furniture Screw + Wood
237 Fusion 2x Hydrogen
G Gondola
# Element Result of
238 Galaxy 2x Solar system
239 Gale Wind + Sea
240 Gambling Alcohol + Money
241 Generator Electricity + Combustion engine
242 Geyser Clouds + Air
243 Ghost Death + Energy
244 Giraffe Animal + Tree
245 Glass Fire + Sand
246 Glasses Lens + Metal
247 Glassful Glass + Man
248 Gold Mine + Tools
249 Golem Clay + Life
250 Gondola Boat + Venice
251 Gps Computer + Road
252 Graffiti Drawing + Wall
253 Grain Arable + Seeds
254 Granary Grain + Ceramics
255 Grape Creeper + Fruit
256 Grass Algae + Earth
257 Grave Coffin + Earth
258 Greenhouse House + Seeds
259 Grill Coal + Metal
260 Guitar Strings + Wood
261 Gunpowder Coal + Sulfur
H Helicopter
# Element Result of
262 Hail Ice + Rain
263 Hair Fur + Man
264 Hammer Wood + Stone
265 Hamster Animal + Cage
266 Hat Clothes + Straw
267 Hay Grass + Sun
268 Hedge Wall + Tree
269 Hedgehog Animal + Needle
270 Helicopter Combustion engine + Propeller
271 Helmet Soldier + Hat
272 Hen Bird + Egg
273 Herbs Grass + Life
274 Hero Dragon + Knight
275 Hippo Animal + Swamp
276 Honey Beehive + Man
277 Horse Animal + Knight
278 Horseshoe Horse + Metal
279 Hospital Medication + House
280 Hourglass Glass + Sand
281 House Brick + Man
282 House For The Birds Bird + House
283 Hulk Radiation + Hero
284 Hummingbird Bird + Flower
285 Hunter Man + Weapon
286 Hurricane Wind + Ocean
287 Hut House + Stone
288 Hydrogen Electricity + Water
I Internet
# Element Result of
289 Icarus Feather + Sun
290 Ice Glass + Water
291 Ice Cream Ice + Milk
292 Ice sculpture Ice + Statue
293 Iceberg Ice + Mountains
294 Igloo House + Snow
295 Infusion Herbs + Water
296 Ink Soot + Water
297 Internet Computer + Net
298 Ironman Hero + Metal
299 Island Sea + Volcano
J Jedi
# Element Result of
300 Japan Asia + Archipelago
301 Jedi Knight + Lightsaber
302 Juice Fruit + Glassful
303 Jungle Forest + Rain
K King Kong
# Element Result of
304 Kangaroo Animal + Australia
305 Killer Death + Knight
306 Kimono Clothes + Asia
307 King Kong Monkey + Skyscraper
308 Kite Paper + Wood
309 Knife Bread + Tools
310 Knight Man + Sword
311 Knights Tournament 2x Knight
312 Koala Australia + Bear
L Las Vegas
# Element Result of
313 Laboratory House + Scientist
314 Labyrinth Castle + Hedge
315 Lake 2x Water
316 Lamp Glass + Petroleum
317 Lantern Lamp + Metal
318 Las Vegas Desert + Town
319 Laser Energy + Light
320 Lasso Cowboy + Rope
321 Laundry Clothes + Washing Machine
322 Lava Earth + Fire
323 Leaf Tree + Sun
324 Leech Vampire + Bug
325 Lens Diamond + Glass
326 Leprechaun Gold + Rainbow
327 Letter Paper + Ink
328 Library Book + House
329 Life Energy + Swamp
330 Light Bulb + Electricity
331 Lighter Matches + Metal
332 Lighthouse Lantern + Sea
333 Lightning Sky + Energy
334 Lightsaber Sword + Light
335 Lily Flower + Lake
336 Lion Cat + Desert
337 Lizard Egg + Earth
338 Locomotive Trolley + Steam engine
339 Lollipop Candy + Wood
340 Lunette 2x Lens
M Milk
# Element Result of
341 Man Golem + Life
342 Manhole Sidewalk + Steam
343 Mantis Aquarium + Bug
344 Map Paper + Road
345 Marble Stone + Glass
346 Mars Rust + Planet
347 Matches Wood + Sulfur
348 Meadow 2x Grass
349 Meat Electricity + Pig
350 Medal Soldier + Metal
351 Medication Herbs + Scientist
352 Metal Fire + Stone
353 Meteorite Stone + Solar system
354 Microprocessor Electricity + Metal
355 Microscope Bacteria + Lens
356 Milk Cow + Grass
357 Mine Mountains + Man
358 Mirror Canvas + Metal
359 Moat Castle + River
360 Money Factory + Gold
361 Monkey Animal + Jungle
362 Moon Sun + Ice
363 Mosaic Drawing + Stone
364 Mosquito Blood + Fly
365 Moss Algae + Swamp
366 Moth Butterfly + Fire
367 Motorcycle Bicycle + Combustion engine
368 Mountains 2x Earth
369 Mouse Animal + Cheese
370 Mower Combustion engine + Scythe
371 Mud Dust + Water
372 Mummy Bandage + Zombies
373 Music Guitar + Man
N Ninja
# Element Result of
374 Necklace Pearl + Rope
375 Needle Cactus + Metal
376 Nest Bird + Hay
377 Net 2x Rope
378 New York Town + Statue
379 Newspaper Camera + Paper
380 Ninja Samurai + Shadow
381 Nugget Gold + Stone
O Origami
# Element Result of
382 Oasis Desert + Water
383 Ocean Water + Sea
384 Oil Sunflower + Tools
385 Omelet Egg + Fire
386 Orchid Flower + Jungle
387 Origami Bird + Paper
388 Oxygen Tree + Carbon dioxide
P Palm
# Element Result of
389 Padlock 2x Chain
390 Palm Island + Tree
391 Panda Bamboo + Bear
392 Paneling Board + Wall
393 Paper Reed + Tools
394 Paper Airplane Airplane + Paper
395 Paperclip Clip + Metal
396 Paris Eiffel tower + Town
397 Park Forest + Town
398 Parrot Bird + Jungle
399 Pavement Road + Stone
400 Pearl Diver + Ocean
401 Pegasus Horse + Steam
402 Pencil Coal + Wood
403 Penguin Bird + Ice
404 Perfume Alcohol + Flower
405 Petroleum Tree + Swamp
406 Phoenix Bird + Fire
407 Pig Animal + Mud
408 Pigeon Bird + Letter
409 Piggybank Money + Pig
410 Pillow Canvas + Feather
411 Pinocchio Life + Wood
412 Pipe Tobacco + Wood
413 Pirates Ship + Weapon
414 Pitchfork Tools + Hay
415 Pizza Cheese + Dough
416 Planet Continent + Ocean
417 Plankton Bacteria + Ocean
418 Plasma Energy + Fire
419 Plume Feather + Hat
420 Polar Bear Bear + Ice
421 Pompeii Town + Lava
422 Pool House + Water
423 Porcelain Clay + Quartz
424 Port Ship + Beach
425 Postage stamp Envelope + Drawing
426 Pot Ceramics + Flower
427 Potato Farm + Root
428 Power station Dam + River
429 Pressure Earth + Steam
430 Printing house Book + Factory
431 Prison Cage + House
432 Propeller Fan + Wood
433 Pumice Air + Stone
434 Puppet Man + Straw
435 Pyramid Desert + Skyscraper
Q Quartz
# Element Result of
436 Quartz Sand + Scientist
437 Quern Wheel + Stone
R Radar
# Element Result of
438 Radar Air + Radio waves
439 Radiation 2x Radio waves
440 Radio waves Electricity + Waves
441 Railroad tracks Metal + Road
442 Rain Sky + Water
443 Rainbow Rain + Light
444 Reed Grass + Lake
445 Reel Wheel + Spindle
446 Refrigerator Ice + House
447 Resin Spruce + Juice
448 Ribs Grill + Pig
449 Rice Asia + Grain
450 Ring Diamond + Gold
451 Rink Ice + Lake
452 River Rain + Mountains
453 Road Car + Earth
454 Roast Fire + Meat
455 Robot Computer + Man
456 Root Earth + Tree
457 Rope 2x Yarn
458 Rose Flower + Needle
459 Rubber Caoutchouc
460 Ruby Diamond + Fire
461 Rum Alcohol + Pirates
462 Rust Metal + Water
S Satellite
# Element Result of
463 Safe Bank + Metal
464 Sail Canvas + Ship
465 Sailing ship Boat + Sail
466 Salmon Fish + RIver
467 Salt Sea + Sun
468 Samurai Asia + Knight
469 Sand Wind + Stone
470 Sandcastle Castle + Sand
471 Sandpaper Paper + Sand
472 Sandstorm Sand + Wind
473 Sandwich Bread + Meat
474 Satellite Moon + Radio waves
475 Sauna House + Steam
476 Saw Chisel + Tools
477 Scarab Beetle + Gold
478 Scarecrow Bird + Puppet
479 Scientist Man + Library
480 Scissors Metal + Paper
481 Scorpion Beetle + Desert
482 Screw Metal + Whirlpool
483 Screwdriver Tools + Screw
484 Scythe Grass + Scissors
485 Sea Lake + Water
486 Sea Serpent Dragon + Sea
487 Seagull Bird + Island
488 Seal Animal + Circus
489 Seeds Life + Sand
490 Shadow Light + Wall
491 Sheep Animal + Wool
492 Shell Plankton + Stone
493 Shelter House + Wood
494 Shield Sword + Wall
495 Ship Boat + Metal
496 Shuriken Ninja + Weapon
497 Sidewalk Road + Man
498 Silver Gold + Mirror
499 Skateboard Board + Wheel
500 Skates Skis + Rink
501 Skin Cow + Tools
502 Skis Wood + Snow
503 Sky Air + Clouds
504 Skyscraper Glass + House
505 Sleigh Trolley + Snow
506 Slingshot Rubber + Bow
507 Smoke Air + Fire
508 Snail Bug + Shell
509 Snake Egg + Swamp
510 Snow Ice + Sky
511 Snow Globe Glass + Snow
512 Snowman Man + Snow
513 Soap Fat + Water
514 Solar system Sun + Planet
515 Soldier Firearm + Man
516 Soot Coal + Fire
517 Space Station Astronaut + Satellite
518 Sparkling water Water + Carbon dioxide
519 Speaker Drum + Electricity
520 Spider Animal + Net
521 Spiderman Hero + Spider
522 Spindle Needle + Wood
523 Spruce Tree + Needle
524 Squid Animal + Ink
525 Stable House + Horse
526 Stain Clothes + Mud
527 Stained Glass Window + Rainbow
528 Stamp Letter + Wax
529 Stars Sun + Galaxy
530 Statue Man + Stone
531 Steam Fire + Water
532 Steam engine Clouds + Metal
533 Steamer Clouds + Ship
534 Sticks Asia + Cutlery
535 Stone Lava + Water
536 Storm Electricity + Sky
537 Straw Grain + Tools
538 Strings Metal + Yarn
539 Sugar Reed + Water
540 Sulfur Bacteria + Swamp
541 Sun Energy + Hydrogen
542 Sunflower Flower + Sun
543 Superman Hero + Steam
544 Surfing Man + Waves
545 Sushi Fish + Rice
546 Swamp Earth + Water
547 Sweater Wool + Clothes
548 Sword Metal + Tools
T Tattoo
# Element Result of
549 Tale Book + Castle
550 Tank Car + Firearm
551 Target Bow + Canvas
552 Tarzan Man + Jungle
553 Tattoo Man + Ink
554 Tea Cup + Herbs
555 Telephone Microprocessor + Radio waves
556 Telescope Galaxy + Lunette
557 Television Drawing + Radio waves
558 Tennis Court + Net
559 Tent Canvas + House
560 Tequila Alcohol + Cactus
561 Termite Bug + Wood
562 Terrarium Aquarium + Lizard
563 The Caribbean Pirates + Island
564 The green lantern Hero + Lamp
565 Thief Man + Gold
566 Thor Hero + Tools
567 Ticket Circus + Paper
568 Tides Moon + Ocean
569 Time Hourglass + Life
570 Tire Rubber + Wheel
571 Titanic Ship + Iceberg
572 Toast Bread + Fire
573 Tobacco Alcohol + Leaf
574 Tools Man + Metal
575 Tornado Propeller + Wind
576 Town 2x Village
577 Toys Car + Drawing
578 Tractor Farm + Trolley
579 Trout Lake + Fish
580 Treasure Gold + Pirates
581 Tree Earth + Seeds
582 Tree House House + Tree
583 Trolley Wheel + Tools
584 Tsunami Water + Wall
585 Tuna Can + Fish
586 Tunnel Cave + Road
587 Turtle Egg + Sand
U Uranium
# Element Result of
588 UFO Alien + Airplane
589 Umbrella Man + Rain
590 Uniform Clothes + Soldier
591 Universe 2x Galaxy
592 Uranium Metal + Radiation
V Venice
# Element Result of
593 Vampire Blood + Zombies
594 Vanilla Flower + Sugar
595 Vase Flower + Glass
596 Venice Town + Sea
597 Village 2x House
598 Vinegar Alcohol + Oxygen
599 Volcano Mountains + Lava
600 Volleyball Beach + Net
601 Vulture Bird + Death
W Waterfall
# Element Result of
602 Wall 2x Brick
603 Wallet Crocodile + Hunter
604 Washing Machine Clothes + Soap
605 Watch Hourglass + Quartz
606 Waterfall Mountains + River
607 Watermelon Fruit + Water
608 Waves Lake + Wind
609 Wax Beehive + Tools
610 Weapon Metal + Wood
611 Werewolf Zombies + Silver
612 Whale Fish + Plankton
613 Wheel Tools + Wood
614 Whirlpool Tornado + Sea
615 Wind 2x Air
616 Windmill Quern + Wind
617 Window Door + Glass
618 Wine Grape + Alcohol
619 Wolf Animal + Werewolf
620 Wood Tree + Tools
621 Woodpecker Bird + Tree
622 Wool Cotton + Animal
Y Yogurt
# Element Result of
623 Yarn Cotton + Reel
624 Yogurt Bacteria + Milk
Z Zombies
# Element Result of
625 Zombies Death + Life
626 Zoo Animal + Fence


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